Sunday, August 1, 2010

Purpose. Finally!

I currently have perfect attendance in attending the Biblical small group. We have been studying the book of Mark (said to be the shortest of all books, yet, one of the most important), was uttered to be the book that states Jesus' baptismal, temptations, and dawning of ministry.

What came to me while trying to decipher ('cause the only Bible available was the New King James Version) the first chapters of the book was how the holy spirit works on John the Baptist. He is the person who you'd think was insane on the fist look. In an instant, John the Baptist inspired me to minister to my non - Christian friends what it's like to accept Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior. But then, I just realized that I can't. Well, at least not now.

My thoughts told me that in order to help non - Christians / non - believers to accept was that I need to understand the Bible much much more just so that I may be prepared for questions. (That will take a long time because my seriousness on obeying God was so sudden.) Even Trinity, I cannot fathom what ever explanation I get, which is one of the most ( I think) important details that every Christian should understand. Although fellow senior youth members say that it's alright, because even them cannot understand it fully, I can't help but feel flustered at myself.

So please please dear reader, I ask of you to pray with me that I may be one of the many "John the Baptists" of this post - modern world; that I may be careful and sensitive on my choice of words so as to incite them; and enough courage.

I long to fulfill my ulterior motive while I am young and able.

I really do hope that I will be an instrument of change of the Filipino youth, now that I have found my reason for living.

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